Quality? It is not just a certificate but responsability choice
What is behind this choice?
TÜV Quality
TÜV is globally recognized for the attention to details. TÜV is not only one of the most prestigious notified bodies, but a recognized competence symbol.
For FL Medical this choice is a tangible sign of the constant commitment to continuous improvement.
TÜV, a choice
We chose to obtain ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certifications with such an authoritative notified body to respond to the increasingly high quality required by the market and to strongly emphasize our commitment and our distinctive position in the global panorama of in vitro diagnostic devices.
Validated processes
Our commitment to obtaining and maintaining ISO certifications goes through rigorous and validated production processes..
Ciò assicura che ogni prodotto risponda agli high quality standardsrequirement.
Internal controls and annual audits
An effective quality management system ensures, through strict procedures and controls, that every process in FL Medical is constantly monitored and that any changes are promptly communicated to TÜV to ensure conformity.
Global recognition
TÜV certification is not only a confirmation of our quality, but also the expression of our ambition to represent a worldwide benchmark.